So I’ve found that front giants are sometimes a little perplexing to people. And there are a couple different schools of thought for the second half of the giant. But today I thought I would share two really excellent videos from the Tom Forster and Neil Resnick bars boot camp. They do an excellent job of breaking things down into ways that you can start with your little ones.
This first video is all about a progression to the front giant that doesn’t start from a cast handstand. I’ve found that people who start from handstand often have mixed success with gymnasts peeling, and when I’ve seen gyms implement these progressions I haven’t seen that. This way of doing progressions also doesn’t seem to introduce the tapping action of the front giant until fairly late in the game. Which I actually appreciate because I think it adds one too many things for the gymnasts to think about at that point.
This second video is the introduction of the tap, like I said there are a couple of philosophies about tapping. These are a couple progressions you can do to get your gymnasts to understand that action.
Want to see my National Congress lecture on Bars Shaping from Pre-Team Up?
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The full 45 minute lecture of Bars Shaping from Pre-Team Up is now available for download, along with the full powerpoint and all of the videos!