I gave a compulsory vaulting lecture at the Gymnastics Ontario Congress where I talked a little bit about how if I had my way I would spend 90% of my compulsory vault rotations not actually touching the vault. And for that matter, in that whole hour long session, I didn’t do one drill with an actual table. So today I wanted to share some of that with you. Also, if you missed any of the congresses I was at this year – you can still get my Bars Shaping – from Pre-Team Up lecture: HERE. It’s 45 minutes packed of videos, powerpoints, info and live demonstrations.
There are three main tenants that I live by with compulsory vault 1) can you run fast and correctly? 2) can you hit the board with your chest up and your feet in front? 3) can you maintain body tension? I don’t need a table to teach a lot of this. And I find a lot of incorrect vaults stem from problems in one of these areas in which case I want you to stop vaulting for a minute and do a drill that will help.
So this first drill is for after gymnasts have their handstand flat back. Once they have that this is my first introduction to the “table” they now have to vault over something.
Remember, if you missed any of the congresses I was at this year – you can still get my Bars Shaping – from Pre-Team Up lecture: HERE. It’s 45 minutes packed of videos, powerpoints, info and live demonstrations.
(1&3) Coach Megan (2) Swing Big (4) Daniel McCarty (5) Crystal Jones
Find it here!
The full 45 minute lecture of Bars Shaping from Pre-Team Up is now available for download, along with the full powerpoint and all of the videos!
Get it today for only $19.99 – HERE.