Today I wanted to share a few quick ideas for leg development. 3 of the 4 events are leg intensive so focusing on leg development is extremely important.
That being said as coaches we have to be careful not to overpound our athletes. Overuse injuries are common so in order to make sure we are doing enough leg conditioning, but that kids aren’t gettting too beat up, I always try to have a “non-pounding” legs list. That means not running or jumping. There are a million things you can do here – but this video has a few ideas.
This second one is a really easy way to do legs and cardio and get a really good workout in quickly. I did this with a group of 40ish kids this weekend and it ran GREAT. So the girls are in pairs, half the pairs go to floor half go to beams.
Floor group:
Partner one: panel mat push down and back
Partner two: suicide sprints (SPRINTS) until partner one gets back with the panel mat
Then switch and repeat
Beam group:
Partner one: step ups with arms by ears if mat is high – explosions (jumping) with arms down if mat is lower
Partner two: jumps over and back all the beams 1-2 times depending on how many beams you have – once back, switch.
Each of these groups goes for 3 minutes then switches. Beam to floor – Floor to beam. It’s FAST, it’s hard, and it works great.
If you can’t get enough of these kinds of drills, be sure to check out the Swing Big! Shop. There are hours of instructional content there for instant download.
Find it here!
The full 45 minute lecture of Bars Shaping from Pre-Team Up is now available for download, along with the full powerpoint and all of the videos!
Get it today for only $19.99 – HERE.