Hi All!
Alright today is a circling on bars post. But two very different elements. Front hip circles and clear-hips. These are two very different skills if only because one of them I like teaching (clear-hips) and the other may be the death of me some days. Honestly, if you like teaching front hip circles you may actually be a god of some kind.
This first drill is a really nice drill that Daniel McCarty, of R-Athletics put up. I posted a similar one here that Al Fong did. It’s kind of a variation of the “wall” some people do. But I like it a bit better because their shoulders stay over the bar.
This second one is a front hip circle drill. And honestly, I have REALLY mixed feelings about this drill. That’s not to say that I haven’t used it, I definitely have, usually with kids who just can’t FEEL going around the bar. Front hip circles are kind of one of my pressure points, in terms of my patience for teaching them, and I’ll readily admit that. Have you used this drill? How has it worked out for you. What are your favorite front hip circles drills?
Train hard!
Photo Credit: Jeff Bartee