Tammy Biggs – Leap and Flexibility Drills

The clinic in Iowa last weekend could not have gone better. Granted I was EXHAUSTED when I got home on Monday and slept for about 12 hours (not uncommon after clinic weekends). But I just wanted to take a minute and say it was such a great group of coaches that came out to Des Moines, thank you to everyone who came to learn and especially to Sapphire Gymnastics for hosting the clinic in such a great facility. The goal now is to try to put on about 5 open clinics per year, if your gym is open to hosting one of these, let me know.

A few pictures because I can’t resist.


Des Moines clinic


Alright, onto drills for the day. I always love watching Tammy Biggs’ stuff. It’s great because it changes as often as the elite world does, and I’m always getting more and more ideas. So today I wanted to share a few of her leap/jump/flexibility drills.

This first one is a great sheep jump drill. If you’ve got a kid who you think would be good at this skill it’s a great beginning progression (also tons and tons of ring kicks).

This second one isn’t new. In fact, I shared it this weekend. It’s a great way to use stall bars, and gets them stretched in a way that oversplits often cant.

This one is just an exaggerated version of what lots of us already do, which is leaping up onto mats. But I think that we often think the maximum hip rise on leaps is lower than it really is. This drill proves how much their hips can really rise.

Sometimes the key to increasing flexibility is just changing up the way kids are stretching. This is a nice way to utilize therabands to stretch in a way that isn’t just oversplits.

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