Hi All,
I wanted to share a couple things that you may not be doing on beam today. In lots of my beam lectures I talk about getting gymnasts comfortable on beam, and not just upright and jumping. One of the biggest things I try to build into beam complex is getting them comfortable at high and low levels, moving forward, backwards and sideways and doing jumping and dance movements in all of those directions and levels.
Armine Barutyan has managed to do all of this in some really interesting and compelling ways. It’s important to note that if you start having your gymnasts do these things it almost definitely WILL NOT look like this at first. Building in this kind of artistry and confidence on beam takes some time but it’s so worth it. Just like I believe what you do in your warm-up every day has a greater impact than once in a while side stations, same thing with beam complex, what you do in your complex every day will have a much greater impact than doing these things once every few weeks or month.
I find that one of the places gymnasts are least confident on beam is when they’re sideways. This is a really easy way (only takes a couple minutes) to build that confidence
Find it here!
The full 45 minute lecture of Bars Shaping from Pre-Team Up is now available for download, along with the full powerpoint and all of the videos!
Get it today for only $19.99 – HERE.
1 Comment
Like your drills many are what we use to do .thank you for refreshing our memories