Hi All,
We are coming up quickly on optional competition season and many of you may have had meets already. When we get into season and start doing lots of routines and hard landings I think it’s even more important to think about how we are caring for our athletes. Rehab and pre-hab are as I always say, SO important, but we also need to make sure that athletes are eating well, sleeping well, and in general doing the things that will make recovering from hard workouts better.
This first video is a sequence of foam rolling exercises. Foam rollers
are fantastic to keep around the gym, or even for your athletes to have at home. Rolling out their muscles can be a really easy was to reduce some of that soreness and tension that gets built up.
This second video is a series of hip exercises. I have seen COUNTLESS hip flexor injuries. I think it’s often something that coaches just don’t think enough about. These exercises are super easy, and great to throw into your workout a couple days a week. They’ll make a huge difference in your gymnasts hip strength, and hopefully do a lot to reduce their injuries.
By the way the image below is worth looking at, printing out and giving to your gymnasts parents
Train hard!
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The full 45 minute lecture of Bars Shaping from Pre-Team Up is now available for download, along with the full powerpoint and all of the videos!
Get it today for only $19.99 – HERE.