Hi All,
I wanted to share a really nice video I found with you. It’s a really nice set of clear hip drills. There are some that are new and some that are old, but I would use almost all of them when teaching clear hips.
This video contains a few of my favorite drills. Drop back to back (0:43) and clear hips from mini tramp (2:55), though all of them are good. I am also now really curious to try the one starting at 1:10. I know I’ve suggested this in the past, but here’s what I do (again). I try to make a comprehensive list of drills for each skill that I teach. One way isn’t going to work for everyone, and I also want to keep things interesting for my gymnasts. If you keep a running list in your binder or notebook you’ll never be stuck in the “I don’t know what to do today” scenario.
Train hard!
1 Comment
Wow! If only my kids’ clearhips looked like that. We will definitely be using some of these drills. But some of them I’m not strong enough for.