Hi All,
So today I’m going to give a couple videos that may help your leaps and/or jumps. I have to say my preference is to spread out the jumping/leaping drills. I don’t like to make any one complex too long. So usually I’ll do a couple during floor complex, a couple during beam complex, a couple in either beam or floor assignments, and then a couple during conditioning. Otherwise I feel like it gets monotonous for the kids.
This first video is a set of drills for wolf jumps. But a lot of them can be applicable to any jump. I especially like the extended straight, wolf, straight, wolf combination. I’m going to have to think about adding something like that.
This second video is a very good leaping/hoping drill. It’s a staple in almost all of my complexes. Start on low beam with it though…some interesting things can happen.
Picture perfect:
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The full 45 minute lecture of Bars Shaping from Pre-Team Up is now available for download, along with the full powerpoint and all of the videos!
Get it today for only $19.99 – HERE.