Hi All,
The sad thing is, the title today is true in a very literal sense. There have been some very strange dreams lately including me teaching semi odd things like onodi’s, but I digress. There are lots of fun and/or effective beam drills. Here are a couple videos that have some.
This first video is one about tumbling up (and down) for beam. These turn into great side stations, or can even be added to warm-up or conditioning lists. Wherever it ends up fitting best in your program. But I’ll add one more note, I’m a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE proponent of tumbling up for beam.
This second video is actually a video of kicks and things of the like. But this stuff is PERFECT to add to a beam complex, whether it’s done on the ground before you get on the beam, or actually on the beam. Oh, btw, watch from 0:12 – 0:20…great sequence to do on the beam..though I would do it without the knee bending.
Find it here!
The full 45 minute lecture of Bars Shaping from Pre-Team Up is now available for download, along with the full powerpoint and all of the videos!
Get it today for only $19.99 – HERE.