Hi All,
Today I’m going to talk a little about back twisting. I think this is possibly one of the things that is most discussed when it comes to people having different philosophies. There are a million, the wrapping technique, the straight arm technique, the divers twist etc. Everyone has a different idea of what is right, and one technique may not be right for all kids. Here are just a couple videos I’d like to talk about.
This first one is a variation I use often. Mostly as a preliminary twisting progression once kids can layout. Once they can do that well, you can have them roll to their back after they land and gradually have them twist earlier until they land on their backs.
This second video is of a nice straight arm layout full. I REALLY like this technique. An easy way I’ve found of teaching fulls is teaching kids to layout with their arms by their ears. Once they can do that have them drop just one arm to their side LATE. That’ll usually get them a half, mind you the other arm is still by their ear. Then once they can do that have them drop the other arm straight and across their body and you can usually get a pretty nice full without too much confusion.
How do you teach fulls?
Photo Credit: Hults Family
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