Hi All,
So it’s summer. And hopefully a lot of you are drilling, and drilling and drilling. Getting back to basics, refining things that got passed over in season. But sometimes we get BORED. Those drills, those little things that we KNOW we are supposed to do, they just seem so MUNDANE. We do them day after day after day. So I thought I would share a few videos of drills that do a lot of the things we work on regularly. But maybe in new ways.
This first video is a nice switch side drill. It might get kids doing it in a different spot (say if you normally do these drills on tramp). Even doing similar drills in new places can break up a workout.
This second drill is a nice way to combine dance work with your conditioning. Two birds with one stone is awesome, but it also may be nice for kids to have different types of conditioning once in awhile.
Train hard!

Photo Credit: Hults Photography