Hi Everyone,
I hope your weeks are going well! It’s been super exciting watching all of the routines the past few weeks from both various Regionals and NCAAs. I hope everyone is enjoying them as much as I am.
This is one I stumbled across that was too good not to share. She’s great all around, but in particular watch that bar routine. It’s gorgeous, love seeing things all come together at regionals.
This is a second one I wanted to share because as we head into off season it’s great to start thinking about new and innovative skills. Don’t be afraid to give your gymnasts 15 minutes of “free” time here and there to let them work on things you may not have thought of. You may be amazed at what they come up with.
Train hard!
Find it here!
The full 45 minute lecture of Bars Shaping from Pre-Team Up is now available for download, along with the full powerpoint and all of the videos!
Get it today for only $19.99 – HERE.