Hi All,
I thought today was as good a day as any to do a post on flyaways. Flyaways are definitely one of those skills that I don’t want gymnasts just trying on their own. Once they develop habits of letting go early or closing their shoulders it’s incredibly hard to break them, and worse it can lead to some scary stuff (ie hitting the bar) in which case the gymnasts often develop fears.
This first video is of a great double spotting technique for little ones. A lot of gymnasts have fears about flyaways and this is one way to combat them. It gets them over it early, while still enabling you to fix things like their shoulder angle etc.
This second video is as always a very nice video from Jason Mortimer of the drills progressions he uses for flyaways. It’s always nice to see what other people are doing/how they teach the skill.
Train hard!
Photo Credit: Abby Heiskell’s Website