Hi All,
So today I’m going to talk a little about watching other people. I’ve said before I often stay extra sessions at meets just to watch other gyms. I know a lot of people will say “focus on your own program, don’t worry about what everyone else is doing” etc. But the thing is there is SO MUCH we can learn from each other. And that’s what I’m doing when I watch. I’m figuring out who is doing it best, and HOW they are doing it? What are they doing that is bringing them success? Is it something that I could viably implement? What can I LEARN from them that will make my program/gymnasts better. There is no reason to put blinders on. The more knowledge we have to work with the better gymnasts we can create. And one of the best ways to gain knowledge is to look at what other people are doing — even better TALK TO THEM. When I don’t have time to go to/stick around meets on the weekend, I like to watch videos of different gyms working out. I’ve written about this before. But I love, love, love seeing how other gyms are running.
Please note: you cannot just implement someone else’s program. Each gym has it’s own needs. But the more information and ideas you have to work with the better your chance of success.
This first one is a nice video put together by Paramount Elite. It shows their baby tops kids through their optionals.
This second one is a Workout Wednesday from Gymnastike with MG Elite (read: the gym Laurie Hernandez is out of). Again, love seeing what people are doing, what specific groups are doing, and how they’re dividing up the workout.
Find it here!
The full 45 minute lecture of Bars Shaping from Pre-Team Up is now available for download, along with the full powerpoint and all of the videos!
Get it today for only $19.99 – HERE.