Hi All,
Today I’m going to talk a little about doing things that aren’t necessarily static. For instance, ever notice that your kids may have great hollow holds but in skills their core stability may be lacking? Gymnasts need to be trained to have good shapes WHILE MOVING not just during static activities. Here are a couple exercises that may really help your gymnasts on bars.
This first one is a really easy set-up, but it may result in some really ugly things at first. While it may look simple enough, you don’t want kids learning the wrong shapes. Until your gymnasts are proficient at this, I would place yourself at or near that station to make sure the shapes that are happening are correct.
This second one is both a very easy set-up and a very necessary skill I believe. Gymnasts need to learn to extend while maintaining their shape and keeping pressure on the bar. Again, this may get ugly at first, so spot for shapes.
Train hard!
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[…] I did this post a little bit ago about how it’s necessary to teach our athletes how to maintain their shapes […]