Hi All,
Can you believe it, two days IN A ROW of vault videos?! I know. I’m pretty stunned myself. When I say there really are a million drills for yurchenkos, I’m not lying. Even using old drills with new mats/new set-ups can make old things have new and improved effects (granted this takes a lot of trial and error). So, here are a couple more to think about.
This first one is one I really like if you can manage to set it up. Building up kids confidence doing this before taking the flipping vault over to the table is a really good idea. They’ll feel a lot more confident having experienced a similar feeling with the drill and first attempts will come out looking better.
This second drill, is incredibly similar to the one I posted yesterday. But I wanted to add some notes about it. This is how I start yurchenkos. Before I even let kids round-off onto a board I stick a safety zone on the floor and start with cartwheel step-ins into the safety zone. Then round-offs into the safety zone. Then round-offs onto a panel mat in the safety zone. Then round-offs onto two panel mats in the safety zone (if they can be done well). Then and only then do I put the board in. I just don’t want kids getting overwhelmed by not having enough progressions.
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The full 45 minute lecture of Bars Shaping from Pre-Team Up is now available for download, along with the full powerpoint and all of the videos!
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