Hi All,
So season is in full swing right now, lots of routines, lots of landings and like always happens during this time of the season it’s often hard to keep athletes healthy and motivated. So today I’m going to share a couple drills to break up the monotony on vault. While it is important to get a certain number of vaults in every week, it’s also necessary to keep gymnasts fresh. Breaking up the workout by throwing something you don’t normally do in there can do a lot of good for your athletes.
This first video is of some tramp drills for rotation and twisting that your gymnasts can do as a side station. You have to be careful with how many landings you ask your athletes to take during season and drills like these can be fun, help with their awareness and technique and limit the number of landings they are doing all at the same time.
This second one is a really great yurchenko drill that I know a lot of gyms use during the summer. But it’s always nice to bring out the fun summer stuff during season every once in a while. Let your gymnasts brains refocus. They’ll be happier and you’ll be happier too.
Photo Credit: Kate Priddy’s Website
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