I know a lot of compulsories, especially in the West are done with season now, so I thought it would be the perfect time to throw out some new ideas for beam complexes. Beam complexes are OH SO NECESSARY in my book, but a lot of times we get bored with them, or we feel they take up too much time and we want to get to skills etc. So we either do a quick complex (walks, kicks, maybe jumps) or we skip it all together. I find it’s a lot easier to implement a beam complex if 1) it has a purpose (why are you doing this? straighter legs? higher releve? more stability?) and 2) it’s not your standard complex (ie. it gets mixed up every now and then).
So today I wanted to share some videos that might inspire you to think a little differently about your complex.
This first video is Annie Heffernan’s lecture from congress this year. She has PHENOMENAL ideas about what you should do. It’s worth watching the whole hour, seriously, set aside a chunk of time and just do it. One of my favorites that we’ve added are the jumps switching feet. When the girls do these I see their confidence go up dramatically – and their jumps. If you want to skip to those they are around the 10:30 mark.
This second set of videos just has LOTS of different ideas. I might not do all of them in one day, but you can see how many different movements these little gymnasts are doing. The more different kinds of movement you can get gymnasts doing at a young age the more confident they are going to be as beam workers. Don’t just have the be on releve have them do work that touches the beam, different arm positions, different jumps, different stretches. It all makes them more confident.
Find it here!
The full 45 minute lecture of Bars Shaping from Pre-Team Up is now available for download, along with the full powerpoint and all of the videos!
Get it today for only $19.99 – HERE.