Hi All,
I thought it was as good a day as any to continue this series. This series is titled the way it is because if our athletes aren’t physically prepared for the skills we are asking them to do the sport get exponentially more dangerous, and if I do say so myself, exponentially uglier. Creating healthy, beautiful gymnasts requires ensuring that they are strong enough to do what we need them to.
These two videos are from Mary Lee Tracy. There are a whole bunch of good exercises in here. You could just add them to your normal conditioning assignment, or you could create a circuit around these or other conditioning exercises, but with some of these you can even build them into your warm-up. The “sliders” at 1:08 in the first video are a GREAT thing to add to warm-ups so easy to throw in there. Have kids do 8-10 during warm-ups every day and I bet you’ll see a difference in your kips.
Find it here!
The full 45 minute lecture of Bars Shaping from Pre-Team Up is now available for download, along with the full powerpoint and all of the videos!
Get it today for only $19.99 – HERE.