Break it Down

Hi All,

So I’m going to throw out a few more yurchenko drills today. But really the title pertains to all skills. I can guarentee you that you will have the most success in teaching skills if you break them down. The tinier the piece the better. Help your gymnasts understand how they all fit together, how changing one part changes another. You will build their awareness, their self confidence, and you will have created better gymnastics along the way.

This first drill is a vault drill I really like. There are a whole bunch of set-ups similar to this so use whatever you have in your gym that works. I like it for a couple reasons. It emphasizes the lift before the flip, and also because it separates the entry from the flip it really discourages that early twist that you get out of some gymnasts.

This second drill is an old drill set-up in a new way (at least to me). I’ve always seen it done with a spring board, but the Power Launch seems to be a really good set-up for it. I like this drill because 1) you can do a lot more of them than you can actual vaults 2) it builds confidence 3) you can tweak little things a lot easier.

If you would like to find more drills like these click here for my mini ebook on beginning yurchenko progressions – Beginning Yurchenko Progressions


Train hard!

// Power Launch //

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